All the efforts of human are for the purpose of Laukik sukh ( physical) and Parlaukik sukh ( way to God). The efforts done for this is known as Purusharth( To get the desired, to save the same, to enhance the possessions and to leave the previous).
THE CONCLUSIVE AIM OF THE PURUSHARTH IS TO GET FREE FROM LIFE AND DEATH …..MAUKSHA.For this achievement it is very mandatory to remain healthy ( mentally and physically ). Only live human being can desire to get the ultimate aim .
AYURVEDA ( ayus + Veda) means aayu koJannae wala( knowldge of life).परयोजनम चासय स्वस्थयस्य स्वास्थ्य रक्षणम आतुरस्य विकार परशनम च( चरक सू॰.३०/२५).Now it’s very important to know , To whom we call live or life….शरीरंद्रियाएसत्वतामसंयोगाए.आयुरच्यतऐ॥
Body and senses are panchbhautik hence temporary. But Soul ( aatma)is nondestructive , shapeless and consciousness ( chaetanya). When it correlates to body and senses through mana then it gets the signs of life.“PURI VASTI ETTI PURUSHAH”पूरिवसति इति पुरुष:॥ Atma( soul) / conciousness living in human body( five elemental) has been known as Purush. Although Soul is indestructible when combined with panchabhuta sharir has been named purushah.There are sixteen symptoms of Karma purushah( sukh, dukh,ichcha,dwasha,paryatanpraan ,apaan,unmash,nimashbuddhi,sankalpa,vicharna,Samriti,vigyaan, adhayavasaya and vishyoplabdhi . These are the lakshanas of karma chikitsiya purushah.
Sorrow is the name of disease in Ayurveda . Life , death, hunger, thirst and sleep are the natural diseases.Fever and cough etc. are physical ailments.Anger,stress and fear etc. are the mental diseases.Accidents and injuries are Aagantuk rogas.Conclusively the purpose of Ayurveda is to know about the nature of human being( sharirik, bhautik and mansik). In further episodes will get to know the origin , nature , constitution of human being.
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